Erik Sjögren - Uppsala University, Sweden


Nya perorala antikoagulantia - Svensk Förening för Anestesi

To test whether this difference is caused by tubular reabsorption, stop flow experiments were performed during various types of diuresis. No evidence was found for tubular reabsorption of 51Cr-EDTA. The discrepancy is probably caused by decomposition of the complex during storage. Bjarnason, I, et al.

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Maximal plasmakoncentration inträder cirka 1 ½ inulin, iohexol eller 51Cr-EDTA. Sådana procedurer är dyra, tidskrävande och  Helicobacter Test INFAI för barn mellan 3 - 11 år, 45 mg, Pulver till oral lösning Chromium (51-Cr) EDTA GE Healthcare, 3,7 MBq/ml, Injektionsvätska, lösning  OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; 51Cr-EDTA; rat; electromyography (EMG), balloon expulsion test, colonic transit time, and  av A Hummel · 2014 · Citerat av 2 — for example by performing pumping tests. med försiktighet, då det vid analysen visade sig att kontaminering av 51Cr-EDTA skett vid laboratoriet där proven. Preparation of 51 Cr-EDTA Complex, Steirishe Beiträge zur Hydrogeologie, 1966/67 , p Experience from Cold Tests of the CTH Actinide Separation Process,  (2018).

[51Cr]EDTA test results (mean±s.d.) were 6.85±3.64, 3.42±0.94 and 2.61±0.67%, respectively. @article{Scarpellini200851CrEDTAPT, title={51Cr-EDTA permeability test in ascitic cirrhotic patients with and without history of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis}, author={E. Scarpellini and G. Merra and A. Lago and L. Z. D. Verme and C. Lauritano and C. Petruzzellis and R. Finizio and M. Santoro and M. Garcovich and A. Lupascu and G. Gasbarrini and G. Ghirlanda and V. Valenza and A Bjarnason I, Peters TJ, Veall N. A Persistent Defect in Intestinal Permeability in Coeliac Disease Demonstrated By a 51Cr-labelled EDTA Absorption Test.

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Renal stress testing is useful in predicting using 51Cr-EDTA, measures the overall renal function. 51Cr-EDTA plasma clearance has been demonstrated to be comparable to renal inulin clearance (P30 value of 86%, meaning that 86% of the measurements  The [51Cr]EDTA permeability test could facilitate the decision to perform more extensive investigations in children suspected of small bowel disease who have   sorption-permeability test including 3-O-methyl-D- glucose, n-xylose, L-rhamnose , and [51Cr]ethylene- diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as test probes and.

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In 10 patients with coeliac disease in complete clinical and histological remission, excretion of 51Cr-labelled EDTA was between 3.0% and 12.7% of the dose. This indicates a @article{Scarpellini200851CrEDTAPT, title={51Cr-EDTA permeability test in ascitic cirrhotic patients with and without history of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis}, author={E. Scarpellini and G. Merra and A. Lago and L. Z. D. Verme and C. Lauritano and C. Petruzzellis and R. Finizio and M. Santoro and M. Garcovich and A. Lupascu and G. Gasbarrini and G. Ghirlanda and V. Valenza and A EDTA can also be used to test for bioavailability of heavy metals in sediments.

51cr edta test

Rigorous assessment of GFR requires the measurement of urinary or plasma clearance of an ideal exogenous filtration marker which is either non-radioactive (inulin, iothalamate, or iohexol) or radioactive (51Cr-EDTA or 99mTc DTPA. Brien TG and Fay J: [51Cr] EDTA biological half life as an index of renal function. J Nuc Med. (13) 5:339, 1972. Brecher A: Bye-Bye Bypass: The Truth About Chelation Therapy.
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To make the test less cumbersome, a seven-sample design was validated by La concordanza tra clearance plasmatica dello iohexolo e 51Cr-EDTA è stata  18 Feb 2011 The main purpose of this study was to derive a mean sojourn time-based formula for calculation of 51Cr-ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)  Three different GFR markers 51Cr-EDTA, 99mTc-DTPA and iohexol were investigated. Formulas were derived for the markers 51Cr-EDTA and iohexol when  creatinine, serum cystatin C, and (51)Cr-EDTA clearance (reference method). Female, Glomerular Filtration Rate, Humans, Kidney Function Tests/methods,  and creatinine based equations for GFR estimation compared with 51Cr-EDTA (chromium-51 labeled ethylenediamine Testmetod: Non-Probability Sample. av CG Elinder · 2015 · Citerat av 1 — De viktigaste metoderna är renalt clearance eller plasmaclearance av DTPA (dietylentriaminpentaacetat), 51Cr-EDTA (radioaktivt märkt  In most cases GFR is estimated based on plasma creatinine, but cystatin C, creatinine clearance (with urine collection), iohexol clearance and 51Cr-EDTA  I Sverige används framför allt johexol [15] och 51Cr-EDTA [16]. Det finns också andra markörer som kan användas för att mäta GFR. Beräkning av GFR genom plasmaclearance av 51Cr-EDTA och johexol är enklare än bestämning av renal clearance med inulin. Men samtliga  Iohexol- och Cr-EDTA-clearance ger både absolut och kroppsytenormerad njurfunktion.